Pomona Sexual Harassment Lawyer
As an experienced Sexual Harassment Attorney, Mr. Hannemann provides aggressive legal counsel in sexual harassment cases in Pomona, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, and in all of California. If you have suffered this kind of treatment which is often degrading and frightening at your workplace, call the Hannemann Law Firm today. Pomona Sexual Harassment Lawyer Brian Hannemann fights zealously to help you get the justice you deserve!
With more than two decades of experience handling employment law disputes and sexual harassment cases, Pomona Sexual Harassment Attorney Hannemann is a seasoned negotiator and tenacious trial attorney who will seek the maximum compensation for you. He has obtained numerous high-
Contact our Sexual Harassment Law Firm at (909) 833-8999 for skilled legal assistance if you believe your civil rights have been violated through this form of workplace discrimination. Sexual Harassment Lawyer Brian Hannemann offers, at no charge, a confidential office consultation where you will be able to freely discuss your situation and receive trusted legal advice from an experienced Sexual Harassment Attorney. We accept sexual harassment cases on contingency and do not ask clients to pay attorney fees until a successful recovery is achieved.
Representation for Sexual Harassment Victims
Sexual Harassment happens in many forms, including unwanted sexual advances, inappropriate touching, suggestive remarks, obscene gestures, any request for a sexual favor, and any other offensive conduct that affects one’s work performance. When these unwelcome actions persist, the employer must be held legally accountable.
Sexual Harassment Lawyer Brian G. Hannemann fights for accountability from the employer and any other responsible parties, including co-
If you’ve experienced sexual harassment at work, you will need the skills and knowledge of a seasoned Sexual Harassment Attorney. There are certain steps you’ll need to follow in a timely manner to help ensure your case ends with a positive resolution. Pomona Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian Hannemann has been fighting for the rights of sexual harassment victims since 1993. With a comprehensive understanding of employment and workplace discrimination law, Sexual Harassment Lawyer Hannemann has a significant record of successful achievements in sexual harassment and workplace discrimination cases.
Skilled Legal Assistance for Sexual Harassment Victims
We understand the devastation and fear that victims of sexual harassment are dealing with. You may be afraid to come forward out of fear that your job may be in jeopardy. We are here to fight for the best outcome possible in your situation. We help you resolve this difficult matter so you can move on with your life!
Pomona Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian G. Hannemann helps employees stand up to employers who fail to lawfully correct situations of workplace discrimination. All people have the right to fair treatment in any workplace, whether you work at the fairgrounds or whether you work for a large corporation. Employees should not have to face any kind of sexual misconduct when they are trying to support themselves and their families by legally earning a living. Sexual Harassment Lawyer Hannemann has a ferocious litigation instinct that he uses to pursue justice for victims of sexual harassment.
Regardless of the size of business, Employment Law Attorney Hannemann vigorously pursues sexual harassment claims with high quality legal representation to ensure positive results.
Pomona Sexual Harassment Lawyer Hannemann provides personalized legal service to each client and consistently keeps clients updated on the case progress through prompt replies to email and telephone correspondence. He does not hand off cases to lesser qualified associates. By working diligently and paying attention to details, Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian Hannemann fights to protect your right to a harassment-
Contact a Skilled Pomona Sexual Harassment Lawyer Today!
If you have been subjected to any improper sexual conduct at work, call Pomona Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian G. Hannemann for help! Please complete and submit the Sexual Harassment Case Evaluation Form or call (909) 833-8999 and set an appointment for a no-
Nobody should tolerate unwanted sexual advances at work! We are aggressive legal advocates who can seek justice on your behalf. Call Pomona Sexual Harassment Lawyer Hannemann for assistance!

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation
(909) 833-8999