Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Southern California
At the Southern California Hannemann Law Firm of Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian Hannemann, we have more than 32 years’ experience providing aggressive legal representation to clients who have been sexually victimized in the workplace.
One of the region’s premieres Sexual Harassment Lawyers, Mr. Hannemann is dedicated to protecting and preserving the rights of those who have suffered humiliation and emotional distress due to their employer’s failure to provide a safe work environment.
A skilled negotiator and aggressive litigator, Southern California Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian G. Hannemann will fight zealously to obtain the monetary compensation and justice to which victims of sexual misconduct are entitled.
If you have been subjected to Sexual Harassment while on the job, it is crucial that you retain a knowledgeable, caring lawyer who isn’t afraid to take your case all the way to trial! Southern California Sexual Harassment Lawyer Brian G. Hannemann has obtained numerous high dollar settlements and judgments for his clients and has earned a reputation for excellence among his peers and the local judiciary.
Don’t let anyone continue to victimize you! Contact Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian Hannemann today by calling (909) 833-8999 for your free consultation at his Southern California Law Firm.
Sexual Harassment matters are handled on contingency. You will not be billed for any attorney’s fees unless Mr. Hannemann gets you the monetary damages that you deserve!
Southern California Sexual Harassment Representation
Sexual Harassment matters are taken very seriously, and numerous laws have been enacted to protect individuals from Sexual Harassment while working. Although most companies now provide sensitivity training to their employees regarding interaction in the workplace, unfortunately, Sexual Harassment is still commonplace.
- Accused Of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace?
- Sexual Harassment Lawsuits In California
- How Is Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Defined In California?
- Does Sexual Harassment In The Workplace Always Have To Involve Sex?
- What Can I Expect Once I Internally Report Sexual Harassment?
- Can My Employer Punish Me For Complaining About Sexual Harassment?
- What Kind Of Injury Do I Have To Suffer To Have A Claim For Sexual Harassment?
- Is Being Asked On A Date By A Coworker Enough To Constitute Sexual Harassment?
- Are Sexual Harassment Cases Civil Or Criminal As Well?
- What Steps Should I Take If I Am Being Sexually Harassed In The Workplace?
- What Is The Employer’s Responsibility Once They Are Notified Of Sexual Harassment?
- What Is The Statute Of Limitations On Sexual Harassment Claims?
- Who Can Be Held Liable In A Sexual Harassment Case?
- How Do I Know If I Have A Sexual Harassment Case?
- How Does My Sexual Harassment Attorney Get Paid?
- What Information Do You Need To Start My Sexual Harassment Case?
- Can I Talk To My Spouse Or Coworkers About My Sexual Harassment Case?
- What Type Of Medical History Will Be Disclosed In My Sexual Harassment Case?
- What Should I Do After Filing A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit?
- Why Should I Choose Brian Hannemann As My Sexual Harassment Attorney?
- Case Study On Sexual Harassment In California
A type of gender discrimination, Sexual Harassment may be physical, verbal, visual, or consist of threats. It takes numerous forms, and includes but is not limited to:
- Behavior Targeting Sexual Orientation, Marital Status or Gender
- Comments of a Sexual Nature
- Demanding Sexual Favors for Additional Benefits, Pay, Hours
- Denial of Benefits or Equal Pay Based on Gender
- Displaying Sexual Photos, Cartoons, Drawings
- Disseminating Sexually Explicit Materials
- Impeding an Individual’s Movement
- Inappropriate Touching
- Jokes of a Sexual Nature
- Language Targeting an Individual’s Sexual Orientation or Gender
- Making Derogatory Sexual Remarks
- Sexual Remarks about an Individual’s Appearance or Clothing
- Threatening to Cut Hours or Pay Unless Sexual Favors are Provided
- Obscene Gesturing or Leering
- Sending Emails of a Sexual Nature
- Sexual Assault
- Spreading Rumors about an Individual’s Sexuality or Sexual Encounters
- Threatening to Fire, Demote or Reduce Benefits for Failing to Comply with Demands for Sexual Favors
- Unwanted Physical Touching
Sexual Harassment typically causes the victims enormous stress, feelings of helplessness and humiliation, and the victim’s inability to focus and properly carry out his or her job duties. Some who suffer Sexual Harassment in the workplace feel as if they have no choice but to quit. It impacts every aspect of their lives.
Although the perpetrators may attempt to make their victims feel as if they have done something to bring the Sexual Harassment upon themselves, it is essential that our clients realize that they aren’t to blame.
Should we prevail in your Sexual Harassment matter, you may be entitled to the following forms of compensation based on the unique circumstances of your case:
- Lost Wages – Past, Present & Future
- Monies for Pain & Suffering Including Emotional Distress
- Punitive Damages
Some conduct is so overt that there is no doubt that the targeted individual is being Sexually Harassed. Other conduct is so subtle that the victim may not be sure if they are actually experiencing Sexual Harassment. If you have any doubts, please call a Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Southern California by calling (909) 833-8999 for answers to all of your questions.
The Hannemann Law Firm of Attorney Brian Hannemann represents both men and women who have suffered Sexual Harassment at work. He makes every effort to maintain excellent client communication. All emails and telephone calls will be answered promptly. You will always be kept informed regarding the status of your case, as well as any new developments which may arise.
Contact a Southern California Sexual Harassment Attorney for a Free Comprehensive Consultation
Please contact Lawyer Brian Hannemann if you believe that you have been Sexually Harassed in the workplace. You may complete the Case Evaluation Form or call (909) 833-8999 to schedule your no cost, no obligation consultation.
Conveniently located in Southern California, Mr. Hannemann represents individuals who work or live throughout the area, including those in San Bernardino and the High Desert region.
Sexual Harassment Attorney Brian Hannemann wants to put his experience to work for you and help you get the compensation you are entitled to receive!
Sexual Harassment Definition: California
Sexual harassment in the workplace is gender discrimination that violates the Civil Rights Act and California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act. Sexual harassment can refer to unwelcome sexual advances or to other conduct of a sexual nature which creates a threatening, hostile, or offensive work environment. This sexually offensive conduct does not need be motivated by sexual desire and can include many different types of offensive behaviors not limited to the harassment of a person of the opposite gender of the harasser.
Victim of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in California? Here is What You Can Do.
If your company has an existing sexual harassment policy, you should read it and take action according to what it states. Always put your complaints in writing and document every incident of harassment, including the date, time, and any witnesses. Inform your supervisor or employer about the sexual harassment you have endured in a way that complies with the company’s sexual harassment policy. Failing to report the conduct correctly may impact your ability to successfully pursue a sexual harassment lawsuit against your employer later, if necessary. It would be wise at this point to seek out the advice of a workplace harassment attorney.
In addition to reporting the conduct to your employer, file a complaint with a state or federal agency. While you may not need a sexual harassment lawyer to take this step, one is certainly recommended. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is the state agency that protects employees from unlawful discrimination in places of employment. If there has been a violation of your rights, the DFEH can insert itself to seek damages on your behalf. The Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the agency that enforces federal antidiscrimination laws.
Complaints filed with the DFEH or the EEOC will automatically be cross-filed with whichever agency you did not file with, so you only need to submit your complaint to one agency or the other. After the complaint is evaluated by the agency of your choice, the case may or may not be accepted for an investigation. If your case is accepted, the other party will be required to respond to the complaint, and the agency will review the response with you and your workplace harassment attorney. Depending on the other party’s response, the case may be forwarded to the legal division for mediation and then may move on to a possible lawsuit.
Sexual Harassment Statute of Limitations
Before you can file a lawsuit for sexual harassment, you must file an administrative claim with a state or federal agency. The statute of limitations for filing a claim with the DFEH in California is one year from the most recent harassment date. This period can be extended by 90 days under certain circumstances. When you file a claim with the DFEH, you can request either an immediate investigation or a right to sue letter. A right to sue letter offers you one year to file a lawsuit. It is important that you are represented by an experienced sexual harassment lawyer in your case.

Call Now For A Free Case Evaluation
(909) 833-8999