Results & Settlements
Safety Attendant Worker v. International Oil Refinery Conglomerate (LOS ANGELES – BC507645 – 5/22/2014)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Client, a married female, starts working as part of field team at an oil refinery and is immediately pursued for sex by her male site foreman. When Client refuses her foreman’s unwanted sexual advances, the foreman makes her and her team work longer and begins disparaging Client in front of others. Client signs up with Brian and the team after other male employees begin pressuring Client to give in to the foreman’s demands for sex. The case settles for a confidential amount after extensive litigation.
Rental Property Manager / Leasing Agent v. Property Management Company; Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1516203 – 2/27/2015)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Client, a young, single female, is offended by her female manager’s frequent inappropriate sexual comments, discussions of the manager’s sex life, and the manager’s questions about Client’s sexual activity. Client fears retaliation from the manager if she reports harassment by the manager. Client seeks help from Brian and the team. Brian files the lawsuit and investigates. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Police Dispatcher / Evidence Technician v. School District, Police Officer (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1206421 – 3/2/2015)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client is sexually assaulted by her co-worker, a police officer, while Client is working in the dispatch office of the school police. After Client reports the officer and testifies against him at the officer’s termination hearing, Client experiences retaliation and is ostracized for reporting against a fellow officer. Brian and his team take on the case. After an extensive effort to uncover the truth, including getting thousands of pages of documents and sworn testimony, Brian and his team put on the case at trial. The jury finds against the department and the disgraced officer and awards Client $1,487,000.
Police Dispatcher v. School District, Police Officer (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1210595 – 7/2/2015)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client reports her co-worker, a police officer, for sexually inappropriate comments referencing a “threesome,” and calling Client “Puddin’ Pop.” Nothing is done in response to Client’s complaint. Later, others come forward and accuse the same male officer of sexual assaults of other female co-workers and civilians. Client is retaliated against and let go from the department under false pretenses because of her reporting sexual harassment by the officer and because of her support for the other female victims. Brian and his team take the case on and after an intensive investigation and work up, a jury awards Client $315,000 for her claim of retaliation.
Safety Attendant Worker v. International Oil and Gas Refinery Services Provider (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS106790 – 7/10/2015)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client experiences and witnesses ongoing harassment, wrongful treatment, and racial discrimination by the organization’s upper management. Client seeks help from Brian and the team after a corporate lawyer hired by the Oil Refinery Conglomerate pressures Client to sign a false statement under penalty of perjury to help the Conglomerate in a sexual harassment case. The Conglomerate’s lawyer promises Client that she will not have to appear in Court if she signs the half-true statement. Client feels she has no choice but to sign the half-true statement, but three days later is terminated. Client immediately gets ahold of Brian and his team. Brian sets the record straight with a truthful declaration approved by the Client. Client’s case winds its way through Court and then settles for a confidential amount.
Veterinary Technician v. Animal Rescue Shelter (LOS ANGELES – BC532962 – 9/11/2015)
Disability discrimination, retaliation. Client trips on an unsafe condition at work and gets hurt. When Client is terminated for false reasons after trying to complete his shift despite his injuries, Brian and the team win the case in front of a downtown Los Angeles jury.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (LOS ANGELES – BC547758 – 12/4/2015)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Client, a lesbian female, endures her male manager’s constant stream of lewd and offensive comments about his sexual fantasies of female employees and customers and offensive comments directed at Client because she is a lesbian. Brian and his team comprehensively investigate, file a lawsuit and get hundreds of pages of sworn testimony revealing a widespread culture of sexual harassment. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (LOS ANGELES – BC547758 – 12/4/2015)
Sexual harassment. Female Client experiences unwanted sexual touching from her male manager, including the manager forcibly linking arms with Client as they walk in the restaurant so that the manager could grope Client’s breasts. Complaints against the manager are ignored. Brian and his team take on the case and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the restaurant and the male manager’s conduct towards women. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (LOS ANGELES – BC547758 – 12/4/2015)
Sexual harassment. Client, a teenage female, experiences unwanted sexual touching from her male manager, including the manager forcibly kissing Client and referring to Client as a “sexy, slutty blonde.” Complaints against the manager are ignored. Brian and his team take on the case and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the restaurant and the male manager’s conduct towards women. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (LOS ANGELES – BC547758 – 12/4/2015)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client experiences unwanted sexual touching from her male manager, including the manager forcibly smacking Client’s buttocks and grinding against her body while inside a small storage closet. The restaurant video footage supports Client’s report against the manager. However, Client is told her complaint is “inconclusive” and that she has to transfer to another restaurant farther away from her home. Brian and his team take on the case and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the restaurant and the male manager’s conduct towards women. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (LOS ANGELES – BC547758 – 12/4/2015)
Sexual harassment. Female Client experiences unwanted sexual touching from her male manager, including the manager using a wooden clipboard to forcibly smack Client in the butt against her will. Complaints against the manager are ignored. Brian and his team take on the case and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the restaurant and the male manager’s conduct towards women. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Hostess v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (LOS ANGELES – BC547758 – 12/4/2015)
Sexual harassment. Client, a teenage female, experiences unwanted sexual touching from her male manager, including the manager massaging Client’s shoulders and kissing Client’s hands. Eventually, the manager turns aggressive towards Client for opposing his sexual advances and pulls a knife in front of Client’s face. Complaints against the manager are ignored. Brian and his team take on the case and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the restaurant and the male manager’s conduct towards women. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (LOS ANGELES – BC547758 – 12/4/2015)
Sexual harassment. Client, a young female, experiences unwanted sexual touching from her male manager, including the manager forcibly grinding his crotch against Client and later forcing Client to remove her shirt in front of the manager. Complaints against the manager are ignored. Brian and his team take on the case and conduct a comprehensive investigation of the restaurant and the male manager’s conduct towards women. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Pharmacy Technician v. Pharmacy; Harasser (RIVERSIDE – RIC1514749 – 12/14/2015)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client starts a new job as a pharmacy technician in a small pharmacy. During the first week, the male pharmacist starts asking for hugs and begins making unwanted sexual advances towards Client. The pharmacist uses the bathroom and keeps the door open, exposing himself, and gropes Client’s breasts and butt. Client objects, tells her boss to keep his hands to himself, and pharmacist fires Client then falsifies documents making it look like Client was given write ups for poor performance. Client searches out for lawyers, and no one wants her case. Brian and his team take the case and file a lawsuit. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Police Dispatcher v. School District, Police Officer (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1301324 – 7/5/2016)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client is sexually assaulted by her co-worker, an on-duty police officer. On one occasion, the larger, stronger, male officer attempts to corner Client in the dispatch office to grope and kiss her. When Client reports the officer’s assaults, Client experiences retaliation and is ostracized for reporting against a fellow officer. Brian and his team take on the case. The case settles before trial.
School Safety Officer v. School District, Police Officer (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1301323 – 7/5/2016)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client is sexually assaulted by her co-worker, an on-duty police officer. Working a shift together, the officer drives Client to a secluded area in a patrol vehicle and gropes her. When Client reports the officer’s assaults, Client experiences retaliation and is ostracized for reporting against a fellow officer. Brian and his team take on the case. The case settles before trial.
Receptionist v. Legal Services Company (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1516204 – 8/5/2016)
Pregnancy discrimination and retaliation. Female Client became pregnant and informed her male manager, who insults Client for her choice to have a baby, telling her to have an abortion instead. After Client’s HR Department tells Client they will not take action against her supervisor, Client hires Brian and his team. They file a lawsuit and investigate the case. Before trial, the case settles for a confidential amount.
Electrical Foreman v. Commercial Electrical Company (LOS ANGELES – BC566163 – 9/16/2016)
Disability discrimination, retaliation. Client, an older, male, over 50 years old, suffers an injury that requires him to be off-work for four months. When Client returns to work, Electrical Company demotes Client and soon tells Client that they will not continue to employ him for future jobs. Brian and his team take the case and file a lawsuit. After investigation, the case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Server / Cashier v. West Hollywood Restaurant Chain (LOS ANGELES – BC598652 – 9/19/2016)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Client, a gay male, is fired after reporting a male manager for working while intoxicated and being hostile towards other employees. Other lawyers refuse to take the case, but Brian and his team do. Brian and his team file the lawsuit and investigate. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Temporary Receptionist v. Staffing Agency, Real Estate Company, and Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1516204 – 10/28/2016)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client is sexually harassed by male supervisor. Employer forces Client to resign after she reports harassment. No investigation or corrective action taken. Client is working as a temporary receptionist in a real estate office when the company’s president exposes his penis to her, trying to receive sexual favors from Client. Client complains in disgust, and no one does anything about it. Client leaves the company, determined to find justice. Client struggles to find representation because of the company’s connection to high-ranking politicians in Southern California. Fearless, Brian and his team take the case on. A lawsuit is filed, and Brian and his team undertake an intensive investigation into the company president which reveals interesting facts. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Inventory Stocker v. Warehouse; Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1517481 – 2/7/2017)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client learns that the company’s female Human Resources Manager has been referring to Client by obscene nicknames and making sexual jokes about Client, her breasts, and her body. After Client reports this to her HR Manager, Client receives unfair discipline at work and no further action is taken to stop the harassment. Client hires Brian and his team who file a lawsuit and began investigating. After an intense investigation, revealing substantiating facts proving the case, it settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Registered Nurse v. Private Medical Practice / Endoscopy Center (LOS ANGELES – BC565534 – 3/13/2017)
Disability discrimination, retaliation. Female Client is praised as the best procedure room nurse in a small private internal medicine practice. The practice allows Client to stay off work on medical leave for months after Client suffers a back injury, only to fire her weeks before her planned return. Brian and his team investigate and expose Client’s employer for its unwritten policy that the practice would not employ people with disabilities. A jury finds in favor of Client and awards her $126,000.
Medical Assistant v. Private Medical Practice; Pediatrician (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1603649 – 5/9/2017)
Pregnancy discrimination, retaliation. Female Client, an eleven-year employee, joyously reports to her supervisor that she is pregnant after years of trying to have a baby. Although her employer, a pediatrician, expresses happiness for Client, Client is told to stay home longer than her planned maternity leave because she needs to ‘start thinking about her baby’s needs.’ Client is then terminated because of supposedly taking too long of a leave. Client hires Brian and his team who file a lawsuit. A long investigation and work up reveal facts proving the case. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Server v. National Restaurant Chain, Male Harasser and Female Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1621654 – 7/31/2017)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Lesbian female Client is groped and sexually harassed by male co-worker one night while working her shift; Client reports it to her female manager, who mocks Client’s sexual orientation, then retaliates against Client. The sexual harassment occurred when Client works the late shift, and an older, intoxicated male chef corners Client and gropes and fondles Client’s breasts and makes unwanted sexual advances. Client, in tears, reports the sexual groping to the restaurant’s female manager, who mocks Client for not being attracted to men. No action at all is taken against the harasser. Soon after, restaurant manager retaliates against Client by issuing bogus write-ups and accusing Client of theft. Client has no choice but to resign. Client searches for lawyers and decides to hire Brian and his team. The lawsuit is filed, and Brian and his team work diligently to uncover the truth and prepare the case for trial. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Office administrator v. RV Dealership, Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1601328 – 8/23/2017)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client arrives to work her first day at a recreational vehicle dealer. Client’s manager insists that Client use her good looks to persuade male customers to buy RV’s. Client’s manager makes unwanted sexual advances to Client, then corners her inside a RV alone and gropes client. Client escapes and leaves work upset and crying. Client calls in to human resources the next day, reporting the harasser and demanding a safe work place. Employer tells Client to return to work because harasser promises to be good. Client refuses to return to work and hires Brian and his team. Brian files a lawsuit and gets hundreds of pages of investigation materials and sworn testimony proving the case. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Refinery Safety Attendant v. International Oil and Gas Services Conglomerate (LOS ANGELES – BC632479 – 11/29/2017)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client reports to her Human Resources manager that she has experienced unwanted sexual comments and harassment from two male employees. Human Resources manager takes no action and Client is forced to work closely with one of the accused harassers the next day. When Client refuses to work with the accused harassers before an investigation occurs, Conglomerate’s upper management personnel remove Client from the premises and terminate Client’s security access badge, blocking her access to the refinery. Even though employer does not terminate Client, because of the terminated security badge blocking Client’s access to the refinery, Client is essentially prohibited from ever working at the refinery again because all of the safety attendant work occurs inside the refinery premises. Brian and the team work the case up. After a long, grueling trial, including out of state travel to get sworn testimony in Austin, Texas over the Thanksgiving weekend during Trial, Brian and his team win the Trial as the jury awards Client $292,500, including punitive damages for Conglomerate’s wrongful conduct.
Transgender Warehouse Inventory Picker v. Staffing Agency, Warehouse, and Male Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1600289 – 12/18/2017)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Transgender Client is sexually harassed by male supervisor, then fired after reporting it. Client is working in a warehouse as an inventory picker/stocker. Between the warehouse aisles, Client’s male manager corners Client and demands that Client “suck his dick.” Client escapes and reports the harasser to upper management. Client’s employer fires her after Client formally reports harassment. After several other lawyers refused to take Client’s case, Brian and his team investigate the warehouse and its staffing agency. The lawsuit is filed, and Brian and his team work diligently for over a year to uncover the truth. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Sales Account Representative v. International Freight Company, and Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1615054 – 1/15/2018)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client is sexually harassed by male supervisor, then fired after reporting it. Client is an experienced sales account representative starting a new job at an international freight company. While Client works at her desk, Client’s male manager tells Client his sexual fantasies about Client and lesbian employees working in the company and demands that Client use her looks and body to entertain and persuade potential clients. Later, in the break room, the male manager gropes Client in a sexual manner. Client protests and complains about the mistreatment. The male manager fires Client for refusing his sexual advances. Client calls Brian and his team, who file a lawsuit. After more than a year of litigation and intensive investigation, the case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Electrical Assembler / Electromechanical Technician v. Electronics Manufacturer; Professional Employer Organization (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1711479 – 4/12/2018)
Disability and age discrimination, retaliation. Client, a male over sixty years old, suffers a hand injury that requires him to be accommodated with light duty work while he heals for six to eight weeks. After Client requests to be assigned light duty, Electronics Manufacturer consults with its Professional Employer Organization about Client. Client is then given several written discipline notices at one time and is terminated. Brian and his team take the case on while Client’s injury heals within the estimated time. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1614292 – 4/24/2018)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Client, a young female, experiences unwanted physical groping from her male manager and comments including, “I know some day you will let me bend you over, and on that day, you’ll fall in love with me.” Client repeatedly complains. In response, other managers call Client a “crybaby.” Nothing happens to the male manager. Client is then fired by the same male manager she reported against, allegedly for failing to charge a customer for two soft drinks. Client hires Brian and his team who file a lawsuit and begin an extensive investigation. The documents Brian and his team uncover from the restaurant include text messages, internal messages, and the Human Resources investigation notes, which reveal facts proving the Client’s case. From the HR notes, Brian and his team find out that the very same manager had been complained about earlier, and that victim was retaliated against and fired. Brian and his team complete their investigation which includes hundreds of pages of sworn testimony and the case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1614292 – 4/24/2018)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Client, a young mom, works various shifts at the restaurant and gets groped and hugged by her male manager. He makes unwanted sexual advances and tells the Client about his sex life with his wife. Client complains and tells the manager to stop and leave her alone. He laughs and does not change his behavior. Client tells other managers who say they can’t do anything about it. Client fills out anonymous on-line restaurant survey and complains of sexual harassment by the manager. Still, nothing happens to the male manager. Harasser eventually finds out that Client is complaining about him and orchestrates a scheme to get Client fired. Client is then fired by the same male manager she reported against, allegedly for failing to charge a customer for two soft drinks. Client hires Brian and his team who file a lawsuit. A lengthy investigation reveals hundreds of pages of documents and sworn testimony proving the case. Brian and his team work on the case for over a year, including traveling out of California and getting witness statements from former employees, managers and the HR person who failed to do her job and terminate the harasser earlier. The case settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Server v. International Chain Restaurant and Sports Bar (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1614292 – 4/24/2018)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Client, a young mother, is working on New Year’s Eve when her male manager gropes her and grinds his crotch on her then tells her she has to work late to bring in the New Year with him. Client starts crying and reports the events to the restaurant manager who does nothing. Client even sends a text message on the company’s internal messaging system to the restaurant manager who promises to investigate. A week later, Client is working her shift. Female co-workers taunt and humiliate Client in front of customers telling them Client is a snitch and a bad worker. Client reports this event to restaurant manager who again promises to investigate but does nothing. Client resigns in disgust and files unemployment claim stating she had no choice but to quit due to sexual harassment and nothing was done. Human Resources director, located out of state, first learns of Client’s sexual harassment complaints from the unemployment paperwork. HR Director undertakes an investigation which reveals the text message from Client, and the reply by the restaurant manager promising to investigate the New Year’s Eve events. HR Director offers to reinstate Client and transfer her to another restaurant. Client accepts offer and starts working at new restaurant. Harasser and restaurant manager are given write-ups only, neither one is terminated. A few months later, harasser’s brother, one of the managers at the restaurant Client transferred to, retaliates against Client claiming she failed to properly ring up a ticket. Client is very upset and hires Brian and his team who file a lawsuit. The case settles for a confidential amount.
Server v. BBQ Restaurant, Harasser (SAN BERNARDINO – CIVDS1715917 – 5/21/2018)
Sexual harassment, retaliation. Female Client is harassed by the restaurant’s male owner, who is much older and becomes intoxicated at the restaurant’s bar. Client demands that the restaurant owner stop harassing her after he asks to fondle Client’s breasts. Harassment keeps occurring and no corrective action is ever taken. Client hires Brian and his team. They diligently investigate and file a lawsuit against the harasser and the employer. The case work takes a year and settles for a confidential amount before trial.
Employee vs. Employer, Rancho Cucamonga Courthouse- Long-Time Male Sales Manager Sexually Harasses Brand New Female Sales Assistant and the Brand New Female Receptionist – Case ID Confidential Per the Terms of the Settlement Agreement
Client gets hired on as new assistant to sales manager. The sales manager is a long time employee, with over 20 years at the company. The sales manager also happens to believe he can say and do whatever he wants, so he does. On the first day at the job, the client is sexually harassed by the sales manager, when he asks her if she wants to “go for a ride on my Harley, and feel something exciting between your legs.” He also has naked pictures and sexually graphic images littering his email inbox. He makes the Client read each email, then he asks how much she liked them. His coffee mug has naked women on it, and he makes the Client fill the coffee cup every day. He mentions that one of the women co-workers is a lesbian, but that if he slept with her he would turn her straight and would “teach her a thing or two about licking pu-.” This same sales manager also said similar things to the new receptionist who was hired at the same time as the assistant sales manager. Brian represented both Clients against the company. The cases resolved for a confidential, six figure amount.
Employee vs. Employer, Pomona Courthouse- Married Male Boss Hires Female Intern For Sexual Affair, then Threatens to Fire Her Unless She Keeps Having Sex With Him – Case ID Confidential Per the Terms of the Settlement Agreement
The female Client was a former student at a community college. She was working part-time as bartender and going to school. A male customer asks her out. During the date, he tells her she can work for him as an “intern,” at a mental health counseling center, and get paid a lot to still go to school. He tells her she only has to enroll in a particular class at the community college, and he will take care of the rest. She takes him up on his offer of employment and enrolls in the class. On the first day of class for the new semester, the boss asks the Client to skip the class and instead go to happy hour.
The Client agrees, and skips class. They end up going to a Mexican restaurant, have drinks, and end up at her apartment, where they begin having an affair. At work, there is gossip among staff, and the rumors of the Client having an affair with the boss begin taking a toll on the Client. Every day at work, the boss is asking to have sex with the Client. This pattern continues for months, until the mental stress causes the Client to break off the affair. The boss threatens the Client with her job, unless she continues to have sex with the boss. The Client has a mental breakdown, and seeks Brian’s help. Brian ends up resolving the case for a confidential six-figure amount.
Employee vs. University Administrator, Los Angeles Central Courthouse – 63 Year Old Male Carpenter Asks Director of Admissions for Help Filling Out Medicare Forms, Gets Groped and Propositioned Instead – Case ID Confidential Per the Terms of the Settlement Agreement
Client is about to retire after a long career as a finish carpenter at a local university. Client wants help in filling out the Medicare paperwork. The Client, a heterosexual married white male, asks his friend for help. The friend is the Director of Admissions of the University, who is also nearing retirement, and who happens to be a gay black male. The Client makes an appointment, and brings the paperwork to the Director of Admission’s office. The Client sits at the desk, and the Director of Admissions sits down next to the Client. The Director of Admissions then gropes and fondles the Client’s genitalia, propositioning the Client for sexual acts. The Client is shocked, confused, and very frightened. The Client withdraws from his family and friends, and seeks counseling. Ultimately, the Client breaks down and tells his wife what happened. The wife called Brian for help. After hours of listening, and learning of what happened, Brian agrees to take the case against the prominent University and its Director of Admissions. Brian files a lawsuit, and after months of contentious litigation, including depositions, the University agrees to pay a confidential six figure settlement, which included paid administrative leave for the Client until the Client officially went out on retirement.
City Employees vs. City Employer, Rancho Cucamonga Courthouse- The Only Two Female Employees in the Entire Department Get Sexually Harassed By the Same “Macho” Man- Case ID Confidential Per the Terms of the Settlement Agreement
Female Client was an applicant for city worker position and get’s hired on to an all- male division. One of the workers is not happy about having to work with a female. He begins to sexually harass her with comments about his sexual prowess, his many affairs with local women, and his talk of sex constantly. During their work shifts to get her, the male would comment to Client: “Hey Blondie, let me smell your laundry.” Client reported sexual harassment, but nothing was done and the harassment kept on happening for another year. Client asked for raises, because she was paid less than all the other males in the same position, and did not get equal pay. Gender discrimination was so rampant as to be unbelievable in this day and age. Client could not take it anymore and quit, even though the job paid well, and even though Client had to take a pay cut. Client found and hired Brian, who filed a lawsuit. During the lawsuit, another victim emerged, with similar sexual harassment complaints, and Brian represented her, too by filing another lawsuit. Both cases settled after discovery and depositions, for a confidential six figure amount.
Male Employee vs. Employer, Los Angeles Central Courthouse- Sales Manager Wrongfully Accused of Sexual Harassment by 19 Year Old Female, who Coincidentally Was Having Affair With Married Company Owner; When Client Refused to Violate Company Policy, Client Was Denied Promotion and Threatened With Termination – Case ID Confidential Per the Terms of the Settlement Agreement
Client, a male sales manager of regional commercial beer brewery, was at an out- of – town sales and marketing event. The company owner, a married man, told Client to use a new girl to help Client at the sales event, which duties included serving beer to customers. Sales event ended, and company owner told Client to take new girl to dinner and charge it to the company. Client refused, on company policy grounds. New girl ended up going out with girlfriends, got wasted drunk to the point of slurring and stumbling, and was dropped off at Client’s hotel room at 2:00 am by new girl’s friends who did not want to deal with her. Client was shocked and upset at being awakened and confronted by the situation. Client felt obligated to take care of new girl, as she was a danger to herself. Client had niece the same age, and did not want any harm to come to the new girl. After coming into the room, the new girl vomited all over herself in bathroom then passed out, stone cold drunk. Client wiped the vomit from her face, hair and clothes, and put her in bed, while Client slept on chair. At 6:00 a.m., Client awoke and told new girl to call her friends to come get her. New girl called company owner, and told company owner that new girl had slept the night in Client’s room. Company owner flew into jealous rage, thinking that Client had somehow engineered the whole thing. The next day, the company owner told Client that he better not say anything or else.
Company owner was mad and jealous that new girl had slept in Client’s hotel room, and in retaliation, even though Client kept quiet, company owner rescinded Client’s promotion, took away sales territory, and spread rumors. Client hired Brian, who learned that company owner had been having affair with new girl, who was only nineteen years old, and who should not have been serving beer. The case settled at mediation before a lawsuit was filed, and Client was able to keep his job.
First Grade Student vs. School District, Victorville Courthouse- Six-year Old Student was Bullied by Older Kids for Months, School Administrators Did Nothing; Six-Year Old Kid Ends Up Getting Sodomized in School Bathroom Case ID Confidential Per the Terms of the Settlement Agreement
“The Impossible, Unwinnable Case” is what other lawyers said. No one wanted it. They all said it could not be proven. One law firm took a chance, and agreed to file a lawsuit. The .school district engaged its law firm, and defended the case on the grounds that “It did not happen.” Everyone said the boy was a liar and that his parent s were greedy, making the story up, trying to shake down the School District for money. The police officers who interviewed the little boy concluded he was lying. There was no physical evidence. The emergency room doctor said there was no evidence of trauma. The hired-gun experts from the defense said the little boy was lying, that the family was greedy. The school district administrators all said nothing happened, that the little boy was lying. The little boy’s law firm stuck it out anyway, doing discovery, getting the case ready for trial. The defense offered not one penny to settle. The case had to be tried in front of a jury. But, on the eve of trial, they realized they needed help, and wanted the best trial attorney for the little boy.
The law firm called Brian to take a look at the case and take it to trial. They told Brian that no one wanted the case, because it was unwinnable. Brian took a fresh look at the case anyway. Brian watched the videotaped deposition of the defense attorney grilling the little boy, asking the little boy to tell what happened. The little boy was crying, tears dripped from his face onto his T- shirt. Brian knew right then that the little boy was telling the truth. Brian could not let the defense get away with it. Brian jumped in and agreed to try the case. After a two- week trial, the jury returned a verdict of over a quarter million dollars against the defendants.
Contact A Sexual Harassment Attorney In Southern California
For immediate assistance, contact Employment lawyer Brian G. Hannemann today at (909) 833-8999 to schedule your free in office consultation with one of the Inland Empire’s leading Sexual Harassment Attorneys.

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(909) 833-8999